Prisoners of Wrestling
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Post  fearmonger Thu May 29, 2008 8:34 pm

Jobu waits reading his new wrestlers application. When the door comes slamming open and a tall person walks in wearing Black South Pole with four pockets and two at the top and two at the bottome

Hey. Your the new recruit. You now whats going to happen to you since you signed your contract.

Yeah. I just want to know who my first match will be against and what type of match it's going to be. If i put in a suggestion i would like to have a match that will prove that I'm talented.

Your match will be chosed right before you have it. You will not now the time or the place or your opponent untill it's time to.

Fear Monger has a little mad looking but at the same time sad looking expression. Then he kicks opens the door and walks out of the room smiling a little.

I'm going to have a tough time in this federation. I can see it. But hopefully I can live up to my dream. Maybe even achieve higher then my dream. It will be a while though.

Hope this guy knows what he's getting into. He's seems a little disrespectful. I hope he knows that first expression is ever lasting and that one is something he will regret.

A guard comes and closes the door and the camera goes back to the ring for the next match.


Posts : 5
Join date : 2008-05-29

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