Prisoners of Wrestling
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Profile: Beach

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Profile: Beach Empty Profile: Beach

Post  Beach Mon Jan 28, 2008 2:04 pm

Wrestler Name Stage Name: Beach
Wrestler Birth Name: Unknown
Wrestler Age: 19
Wrestler Born: Ytown, Sweden
Wrestler Height: 6'6"
Wrestler Weight: 189 pounds
Hair: Long and blonde
Eyes: Blue
Entrance Video Link: NONE
Wrestler Picture Link: NONE.
Ring Attire: Always wearing yellow and blue.
Taunts: The Swedish Poser, The Warcry and the Sound of Violence
Modified Moves: Rogue Clutch
Finishers : Ytown Death Grip, Swedish Spear dive and JLT
Catch Phrase or* Slogan: The Swedish Wonder
Special Match: Submission Match
History: Beach is a cocky, egotistical and cunning wrestler. He enjoys making his opponents tap out in various ways. Beach is an instant heel and is currently locked away in P.O.W due to an incident with the Swedish authority.

Posts : 28
Join date : 2008-01-28

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